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Online BLIZ Summer School in Multidiscip...

The summer school will take place online in 5 days spread out along 5 weeks starting 21st June, with 1 full day per week (Mondays). Both morning and afternoon sessions will encompass lecture and practical components. The first four weeks will cover themes providing important skills for collaborative research and data/model exploration. In the first […]

8th BLIZ Workshop

On March 1st we had our 8th BLIZ Workshop. We listened to updates from the subprojects discussed this year’s meetings and the BLIZ Summerschool in July. In the discussion groups further collaborations between the subprojects were started and existing collaborations were deepened.

PhD student Johannes Oberpriller in the ...

In their talk, the authors address the sensitivities and uncertainties of a vegetation model (LPJ-GUESS) within Europe. In particular, they found that climatic factors provide the largest uncertainty contributions and influence the uncertainty contributions of other processes such as water or mortality. Furthermore, the authors found that the processes of the model implicitly incorporate the […]

Anne Lewerentz wins Special Jury Price a...

On the weekend 13.-15.11.2020 our PhD student Anne Lewerentz took part in an Innovation Challenge of the Bavarian State Ministry of Digital Affairs ( The challenge was designed as a competition to develop digital innovations for climate and environmental protection. Anne and her team invented a concept for an APP called “SAVEDiversity. Wir können nur […]

Computergame aquatic plants

In an interdisciplinary course of the Center for Computational and Theoretical Biology Subproject 2 and the Games Engineering group developed a computer game on aquatic plants at the Institute for Computer Science at the Julius-Maximilians-University of Würzburg. The goal of the simulation game is to impart knowledge about the ecosystem of the Bavarian lakes and […]