Following the bayklif staff seminar, our 5th BLIZ workshop took place in Iffeldorf. The subprojects were brought up to date on the current state of work. We discussed preliminary results, conferences 2020 and a possible Summer School 2021. We exchanged ideas and made plans on how to proceed further.
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Author: Mona Reiss
First bayklif staff seminar
The first staff seminar of the Bavarian Climate Research Network took place from February 10th to 11th 2020 at the Evangelische Akademie in Tutzing. Due to storm Sabine the event was delayed – nevertheless most of the members of the network arrived at noon. From Monday afternoon, junior projects and a large part of the […]
Public Climate School Event
On November 25th we held a well-attended evening event supporting the Public Climate School. Anette Menzel (BAYSICS) started by talking about climate change in general. Christian Zang (HyBBEx) showed the importance of forests in the global climate system and Allan Buras (HyBBEx) highlighted the forest condition in Germany after the last years droughts. Christian Hof […]
Open discussion on 25th Nov., Public Cli...
Supporting the Public Climate School, we organize an evening event: What: Open discussion with short presentations regarding climate change When: Monday, 25th of November, 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Where: Hörsaal 22, Forestry Faculty TUM, Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Platz, Freising
Public Climate School
The BLIZ-Team supports the Public Climate School from November 25. – 29. For more information check out Students for Future.
4. BLIZ meeting and FGG-Event
On October 21st the BLIZ team met again at the FAU in Erlangen. We exchanged ideas and discussed our temporary results, milestones 2020 and further outreach ideas. In the evening event of the FGG lecture series Anja Rammig, Thomas Knoke and Perdita Pohle presented the BLIZ- project. Anja Rammig gave an insight into the current state […]
10. Agriculture Science Symposium
At the 10. Agriculture Science Symposium in Freising on September 26th the PhD candidates Sebastian Rössert and Sven Rubanschi each presented a poster.(Poster title Sebastian Rössert: “Approach to the consideration of uncertainty in the modelling of land allocation in agriculture” Poster title Sven Rubanschi: ” “Drivers of Ecosystem Services in heterogenous landscapes under climate change”)
ZEIT ONLINE reports on the Forest Condit...
Forest Condition Monitor
A cooperating team of HyBBEx & BLIZ designed the Forest Condition Monitor. As a result of the past drought summers, an increased dieback in various tree species was observed in Germany. In this context, the Forest Condition Monitor is supposed to visualise the condition of forests in Germany. In order to make this possible, remote […]
3. BLIZ meeting
On July 15th we had our third BLIZ meeting in Regensburg. We presented and discussed each subprojects’ state of affairs. In addition, there were several group works on different topics, such as data exchange, parametrisation and a possible choice experiment.